Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why I want to earn online

I am earning peanuts at work.
It's barely enough for me and the bills I have to pay since I am trying to be fully independent of my parents. I still owe them a considerable amount of money. More of less thirty thousand. I had to buy a laptop for my online writing gig but after getting it and paying for it I ended up being busy with my day job and other things so I couldn't write on for on a daily basis.

I used to make quite a bit but my previous company kicked us out just becase they wanted to pay people less than what they used to. They moved their office from Ortigas to Cebu since one of me could pay for four employees over there. I guess I am a bit pissed off about all of it but I didn't want to just hang out at home and run out of money.

As if putting salt on an open wound, my roomates, one of which promised me that if I moved where they were they would never leave me hanging. Thingss started to go bad when two of my roommates found a new room and they were leaving soon. I got the news two weeks before we were officially supposed to leave. I was getting backpay from my previous company and I had wanted to save it in a bank account. But I had to use almost all of it trying move to a new place and paying for a new place to live. So now, I didn't have the cushion that I wanted and was working for a third of what I what I used to earn.

I love to write and since I am an online english teacher (phone english teacher now), I am always online at work and at home. I figured I could use that to be able to earn a little more peanuts.

I tried looking for places where I can use my creative skills (I was a writing major and a part time seo writer after all) but didn't require me to have a boss who would nag me all the time. If I wanted to do that then I could've stayed in the ghost writing business. But when I found this tagalog online pocketbook site it felt like I found a niche to write about my favorite thing, love stories. ^_^

That is why the title of this blog is WILL WRITE FOR GILS. ^_^ This is where I will chronicle my writing schemes and online money-making schemes. In the forum site for T.O.P.whenever we wrote something an appropriate amount of gils were accounted to the user's name.

Eventually those gils can be used to buy things like e-books or scroll or cute pokemon avatars. So I figured maybe there was a way for a creative writer not to have to just write for free. Time after all is something worth it's weight in gold. I tried ppt sites before and I got really bored. I figured could try again. ^_^

I renewed my Yuwie account.
and will blog there once in a while. I hope I can get more people to join me there. I met Kuya Ryan there, a half-Filipino ex soldier. He is very nice and not at all as pervy as some of the people one meets online. ^_^ I figured I can make more friends like him.

Then there is I found about it after clicking a line that said Has facebook paid you? I met Joshua Anton. It was his refer link that I clicked and so he was helping me to figure things out in peoplestring.

He seemed like a nice guy so I am not worried. As long as I don't get asked to dish out a centavo on this whole thing then I would continue with it.

My motivation is so that I can donate some money to WORLD VISION here in the Philippines. Even if it's just in a one shot kind of way. Then I also want to donate to the T.O.P. site so that I could help the expenses we have for maintaining the site and other things.

I also want to learn a lot of things this year. I want to learn how to handle bank transactions, use google adsense, alertpay as well as paypal.

I just hope I don't run into any scams.

I joined the geostring thing that asks people to invite and link people. No harm done in trying. ^_^ I just try to explain to my friends that they are getting something in their spam mail and that it is from me. This way they don't accidentally delete it.

I have an alertpay now too. Sad thing is they don't like ñ as well. Damn it for having a name with a special character.

I have a funny story about my google adsense and how hopeless I am. So if you have time, then stick around and read up.

Also I will try to write about what I experience as I go along. If I ever catch any nice simple tips then I will write them here.

But please be aware that I am a newbie and a dummy half of the time. This blog is intended to help me remember things as well as help those who are like me. 

Good luck on your money making schemes. If you are a spammer, get off my blog. If you are a schemer, leave me alone. Arigato. Sayonara.


  1. You go girl! :) Have you tried oDesk?

  2. Well I had tried to add myself to that thing pero the thing nga is I want to write on my own time and without a boss. Most of the time kasi they want someone who can do mad multitasking stuff. Pero I have friends who get work from oDesk.

    If I ever win the lottery and get a chance to be a fulltime writer, I might try it. Ehehehe. I am more of an office person.
