Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Get Referrals

I am having a hard time getting people to join the sites I am in. Peoplestring and Yuwie are no Facebook.  I gave Josh some advice on how to make entries related to what we do. I told him about the keyword rich method and the low-key one. I can't remember what it's called but I described it to him.
I am thinking maybe I can tap into those people who are on my gamer list. They are online most of the time anyway, why not help them use that for earning some money.
Josh said he would be glad to train anyone who comes in through me since I am a dunce when it comes to this. ^_^ He's a nice guy. I just hope I get someone soon to help him out as well. Now, if I only did SEO better then I could help him out more. Oh well, more to learn.
The funny thing is that someone sent me a message asking me to be friends with him. This is complete with compliments and all of that. And it wasn't in Yuwie. I simply told him that I am not really into men but thank you. I ended it as nicely and as formaly with a sir so that he would know that I was not trying to be mean or bitchy. I have this ability to make friends from sites that otherwise would not be where you would find one. One is enough though, I don't really need anymore. Josh said there aren't any oddballs in Peoplestring. And by oddballs I men hentai men. ^_^ Look up what hentai means in Japanese and you'll get my point. As for me I can handle my own when something like that happens.

I just really might need to go back to SEO writing since my paycheck is proving to be peanuts. But I need to get the comics that I am making and the editing that agreed to do before I can get around to doing something like that again.