Friday, October 8, 2010


Disclaimer: This might be T.O.P. forum specific at times. I will try to be as general as I possibly can.

1. The key work is RESPECT.

If you need me to explain this to you, you need to go back to your GMRC classes and retake basic human respect. Seriously. Or google the dictionary meaning of respect.

I have a firm my blog, my opinion policy.Whatever I write on my personal blog is my opinion. If I am in a social site or a forum, I try to respect the opinion of other people. If I disagree with them I make sure I don't use fallacies like attacking their person so I can debunk their premise or conclusion.
That just show that you are dumber than the other person.

2. Quote only the parts you agree in.

It's a little difficult to read through a dozen quotes just to find a smiley in the end. It takes up space. So if you must, quote the parts that you want to react to not the entire conversation.

3. Own up to your words.

I hate people who troll other people's sites and forums as Anonymous. I mean, if you have an opinion, express it and own up to it.

4. Nonfiction not fiction, if you can, stick to the truth.

I have encountered a lot of liars online. It seems to be a thing for a time. But if one wants to make real friends, then it's best to tell them who you really are and what you really are.

Since we are living almost half of our lives through our profiles, we need to make sure that 98% of our online self is the real us. We can keep the 2% for our deep dark secrets and for the photoshoped versions of ourselves.

I would hate to know that the real person behind the online persona that I liked or befriended is pure fiction. I would not believe anything else that person would say after that. Liars, offline and online are lame.

5. Use your words.

Smileys and jejemon speak is a big no-no. Especially if the forum that you are in include people from all walks of life. This is a mortal sin if you are in a writing site or a writer's forum.

No matter the reason, it's unacceptable, irritating and downright dumb. (I know I am being harsh but the truth often hurts.)

So all in all, there are a million other things we do wrong online. Don't even start on my hentai addiction. (opps...did I say that out loud? *makes penance*) But although the internet is a tool that is neither good or evil, so was the Orb of Aldur. (if you understood that reference and you are a single guy, call me. ^_^)
What we do with it and what we will it to do determines whether or not WE are the good guy or the bad guy.

So respect your neighbors, and by neighbors I mean other netizens.


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